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Continuing with our series of singing with the chakras, this week we are exploring singing with the sacral chakra
The energy of the sacral chakra attributes is built on the foundation of the energy of the root chakra: the feeling of STABILITY and SECURITY. Therefore, if the root chakra is not balanced, this will also affect the energy of the Sacral Chakra. So if you haven’t read it yet, you might like to check out the root chakra post here, before continuing with this one.
The Sacral Chakra is associated with the emotional world, sensuality, and creativity -important components of our expression and our singing!
With the second chakra, the energy is no longer only instinctive. We start to feel emotions and the enjoyment of the things in life. We start being conscious of the other people around us. This greater awareness develops naturally when we have a sense of security first. With a healthy root chakra, we set the foundations for the healthy development of our relationships with those around us.
The sacral center is related to sexuality and the creation of life. Sadly, in our society, it has been common to associate the sex act with something really low in morality. The deep sense of guilt around sex has not only created a lot of confusion and unhealthy relationships, but also a deep blockage in the creativity of those who have a blocked sacral chakra.
When this center is weakened we also experience difficulty enjoying many aspects of life, and particularly physicality, the sensations in our body as we interact with the world around us.
The sacral chakra is developed between the ages of 3 and 8 years old. The traumas suffered in this stage of life have a big impact on it, and also the restrictions, the conflicts and the excessive, unhealthy, or nonexistent boundaries we learn at this age.
There is a strong connection between the Sacral Chakra and the Throat Chakra -the center of expression-.
In singing, the development of this center helps us to enjoy our voice and our expression. It frees up our voice, it helps us express our truth without the blockage of guilt and shame. It connects our voice with a more genuine, creative, and grounded version of ourselves.
The location of the sacral chakra governs the place where the air support is for singing. In singing terms, this means that it allows the air to be managed in a way that helps the voice flow freely. When our sacral chakra is healthy, we are able to breathe deeply into our low lungs, something crucial when it comes to having a powerful and expressive voice. It allows our voice to function much more efficiently, making it possible to develop real power (as opposed to yelling) by using the strength of this support base low in your abdomen, rather than relying on tension in the neck which ends up obstructing and straining your voice.
There are many things you can do to work on this center, such as:
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It sounds like working with the sacral chakra would help to make singing more fun!