I Help people sing and speak expressively and powerfully no matter the level of experience :)
Grab today my 3 SINGING SECRETS to expand your vocal range for FREE!
In this blog post, I tell you what are the three elements of the human voice as an instrument. This information is important if you are interested in learning to sing in an efficient, smart manner, and in this blog post, I tell you why and how to do it!
If you don’t feel like reading, here’s the video about it:
If you want to master your voice, you need much more than repeating scales and songs mindlessly.
Let me tell you about the different components of your voice, and how can you use them to accelerate your singing training.
There are three main components of the voice that always get messed up.
Your voice, like any other musical instrument, has three different components or levels.
The first one is the fuel of your voice. In the case of a singer, the fuel of your voice is the air you breathe in. So breathing is the first element of singing.
Now the second element of singing, it happens in the area of the larynx, and that’s the vibration level, and that’s where the voice is properly produced, the primary vibration happens there.
Now that is not enough to produce voice. For the process to be complete we need our third element of singing.
The third element of singing is the resonance space, which happens mainly in your throat and in your mouth.
In the resonantial element of singing is where you find the different timbres. The primary vibration that happens at the voice production level, it’s a very thin sound, and that sound has to be boosted to become the sound that you ultimately hear.
The important thing to understand here and the reason why for some people it is so hard to learn singing is that sometimes you look at these three components in an absolutely isolated way and in reality, this is a human alive body and all those elements are constantly interacting with each other and influencing each other. So that is why if you do exercises just for breathing without having in mind the voice or just for the larynx or just for the mouth shape and that kind of thing by themselves, those exercises don’t work as well for your voice. Instead, try to connect them, and integrate them.
In reality, you are always multi-tasking. We talk and move our hands at the same time, and we breathe at the same time as well. So in singing you learn to do that combination of tasks in an effective way and in a functional way that gives you the voice results that you want. So if you want to integrate all the elements of singing, then you need to practice exercises that connect your voice.
If you are interested in starting integrating these three elements of the voice for a better result and for fast singing learning, go ahead and download my free 20-minute audio lesson from the button below!
Singing lessons and classes for adults in Auckland, NZ (North Shore area – Unsworth Heights)
Singing lessons and classes for kids and teens in Auckland, NZ (North Shore area – Unsworth Heights)
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