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We have been exploring the different elements and how they relate to singing: today, we are exploring Singing with the earth element.
In Chinese philosophy, the element of earth is linked to the emotion of worry, and its related organs are the stomach and the spleen.
When we worry too much, the diaphragm muscle suffers and becomes stiff, making it hard for us to breathe in the low lungs, something really important if we want a healthy and powerful voice. A good reminder that all emotions are good but not so good if we become stuck in them!
This will affect your posture as well, at the level of the stomach, either closing in around it to protect the stomach or arching the back to relieve pressure on it.
So I’m going to show you an exercise that will help balance your posture again and your breathing as well, to start letting your voice flow more freely
1 Stand with your back against a wall. Your hips and shoulders are touching the wall. Bend your knees and step your feet forward until all your vertebrates are touching the wall, including the ones in your lower back.
2 Roll down your torso starting from the head, slowly as you inhale. Your torso is completely relaxed and holds no tension in the shoulders. Make sure that you roll down one vertebra at a time.
3 Once you rolled down to a comfortable point, stay there and breathe slowly. Your low lungs will be more easily activated.
4 Come back slowly, bringing one vertebra at a time back against the wall, and making sure that your shoulders and jaw are relaxed all the way up.
5 Once you feel comfortable with the exercise, repeat it, this time using a sound: breathe in while you roll down and make a sound as you come back, such as a humming sound or an AAH sound. Make sure that the upper body doesn’t tense up when you start singing!
This exercise is great to naturally balance the posture of your spine in a gentle manner, while at the same time integrating your voice. With the regular practice of this simple exercise, you will find your spine loosen and your posture will be improved since it will help you to open up your front body without tensing the back.
This will help the air to flow freely through your body, which will greatly improve your voice.
Another useful exercise to reduce worry is to practice an activity that brings you to the present moment. For some people, meditation does the trick. For me, writing songs bring me to the present moment immediately. Or going for a swim. Or a ballet class! any activity that brings you to the present moment will release worry and allow your energy to flow better through your body.
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