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If you love to sing karaoke and you would like to improve at it, keep reading! Today’s blog post is all about improving your karaoke sessions to make them more fun, enjoyable while taking care of your precious voice!
If you love to go Karaoke with your friends, but feel you could really improve at that Or if you go Karaoke and then you can’t talk for two days this video is for you!
In this video, I’m going to break down what the problems with singing karaoke are, how to make your karaoke sessions better, and how to keep your voice safe when singing karaoke.
stick to the end because I’m going to share with you a resource that you can use in your karaoke days to make your sessions much better.
I’m going to start by talking about three main things that make karaoke harder for you. The first thing is the key of the song. Usually, the main reason why we can’t sing karaoke well is because we choose songs that are in the wrong key.
If you don’t know what this means, I am going to link a video in which I talk about what the key of a song is and how to change the key of a song to make it suit your voice better.
But I’m just going to quickly explain, for example, if you are a female like me and you want to sing a song by a male, it will usually be too low for you in a similar way. If you’re a male and you are singing a song by a female, it’s going to either be too high for you or you might be trying to sing it a whole octave lower and it might be too low for you.
Especially if you are a beginner, finding the right key for every song that you want to sing is really important to make singing much easier.
The second problem with singing karaoke has to be specifically with singing karaoke in a bar. And it’s this, when you are in a loud environment, you are going to tend to yell a little bit more than you would normally do.
When you don’t have a trained technique you need to sing by yelling, you are going to be overcompressing the vocal cords which is going to make your voice tired.
That leads me to the next problem with singing karaoke in a bar, A lot of people like to sing karaoke after taking a few drinks. If you take alcohol, your voice is going to be dehydrated. If your voice is dehydrated, and on top of that, you are singing by making an extra effort by singing loud, in a loud environment, and then you keep on drinking alcohol, and then you sing again, then your voice is going to have to do more effort every time, and your voice is going to get tired, and tired, and more tired.
That said, let’s talk about how to make your karaoke sessions much better.
Firstly, as I said, you don’t need to know much about music. You don’t need to be a trained singer if you just want to go sing karaoke. The main thing you need for singing karaoke to sound well is to sing on key and in tune. And this is much, much easier to do if you choose songs that are in your range. This is, of course, if you are just starting and you just want to make it easier for now. Of course, there are ways that you can work around it if you want to sing different songs that are harder there might be a little bit more training involved, but this is important because usually when you sing in a karaoke bar you don’t have the chance to change the key. Sometimes you do, more often than not you don’t. That means that if you want to sing a Rihanna song you are going to have to sing her in her key.
So it is better if you can choose a song that you can perceive more as in your range.
Secondly, we talked about being in a loud environment and how that can probably make you force your voice a bit.
Working around that will require a little bit more technique. So one of the things that you can do to reduce this problem is two things. Number one, choose to sing at a medium volume.
Usually, when you’re singing karaoke, you do have a mic and you are going to want to be passionate and sing a lot, but try to find a middle ground in which you express your emotions and you have a lot of fun without compromising your voice health.
Something that will help you control the volume at which you sing and the pressure that you use is the way you breathe.
That has a big impact on vocal compression, the way the vocal cords come together, and also in the way that the muscles around your neck work. Those are the external muscles, we don’t want to get them too involved in the voice production and you can control that by controlling your breath support.
Lastly, let’s talk about, and don’t hate me for this, but working around your alcohol consumption actually works really well. I’m not saying don’t drink alcohol, but what I am saying is that if you drink alcohol, you need to take more water. Because you need to get a balance.
You need your vocal cords to be hydrated. And when you drink alcohol, your vocal cords are going to tend to dehydrate. And so make sure that between songs, you are not just having alcohol around it and you, have access to water that will be ideal. Also, keep a mind that it takes about 20 minutes from the time you drink water to the vocal cords to be hydrated.
If your vocal cords are dehydrated, you are going to have to make more effort to sound and that is going to make your voice more tired.
Let me know in the comments about your experience singing karaoke. I would love to know.
I have a resource for you today that you can use and it’s a gentle warm-up. You can go to the description below you can grab it there you can do it at your house before you go to karaoke sessions I promise if you do a gentle voice warm up your voice is going to be much safer.
You can also practice some of these exercises after you sing on your karaoke night to bring your voice back to balance.
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