I Help people sing and speak expressively and powerfully no matter the level of experience :)
Grab today my 3 SINGING SECRETS to expand your vocal range for FREE!
Singing is a very complex process, developing it to a high standard takes years of time and practice. However, some little things can help you sing better quickly today. You might not find a huge improvement right away, but if you follow these tips, you will at least feel your voice flowing a little bit better very soon.
However, remember that building habits take time and practice! so if you find this exercise useful today, it doesn’t mean that you have mastered it. You need to keep on training it until it becomes a new habit.
As singers, our instrument is our whole body and our whole being. Everything is connected. But you don’t have to understand how every muscle works to benefit from this!
You can quickly improve your voice by making some small adjustments to your posture. Your posture modifies your breathing dramatically and your ability to support your voice. This is strongly linked to how much you can end up straining your voice!
Most of us develop through the years a posture that is not helpful for singing. These days we are quite sedentary, plus we spend lots of time using our phones. This causes tension in the upper body where it shouldn’t be, weakness in some muscles that should be strong and healthy for singing, such as the pelvic floor muscles.
By having a good posture for singing, you allow your diaphragm to move more easily. This will enable you to bring more air into the right place for a healthy and free voice. It also allows you to support your air more efficiently, so you are in control of your voice and in general, to express it much more freely (in opposition to yelling, holding your voice back, straining, etc.)
So let’s look at a simple exercise that will help you to improve your voice… right away! at least a little bit, because you will be allowing your voice to flow differently.
For this exercise, you are going to need to awaken all your senses. We control our voice through sensations, so getting in tune with your body awareness is a great idea.
This exercise is a simple checklist for your posture.
Simply stand up comfortably and go through the following points:
Feel the soles of your feet and try to distribute your body weight equally through them. Make sure that you are not leaning too much onto your heels or the balls of your feet.
Unlock your knees.
Bring your pelvis to a neutral position. Make sure that you are not tilting your pelvis either backward or forwards.
Relax your shoulders and make sure you are not holding tension in your arms!
Keep your head straight so your neck is relaxed.
Relax your jaw. Your teeth should be slightly apart.
At this time, you should have 3 points aligned: hips, shoulders, and ears.
It seems like a lot of things to go through, but once you get used to them, you are going to be able to modify them all in one go!
Try to sing something and see if it becomes a little bit easier! If you are not used to this posture, it might feel weird. For example, if you are used to always bringing your body weight onto your heels when you find your center, you will feel that you are leaning forwards!
But when you really start feeling your own body, you will soon notice that a good posture really helps you release muscles that you didn’t even know you were tensing.
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[…] Of course, when you are standing up you want to feel the same sensation. For that to happen the most important thing to consider is finding a posture that allows your diaphragm to move freely. You can check an easy exercise for that HERE. […]