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Grab today my 3 SINGING SECRETS to expand your vocal range for FREE!
Do you know how to prepare your voice for singing, and why is it important? When we sing, our instrument is our whole being. Our body, our mind, our emotions, and our soul. Everything is reflected in your voice.
One of the common mistakes people make when singing is to not prepare their instrument at all. They just sing without connecting first. Then they wonder why they just don’t sound good that day! So many people think that they are just not in control of how their voice sounds each day.
There is some truth in that, although not in the way that one would think.
You don’t have control over your voice in the way that you are different each day. Your voice is different each day because it is a product of your whole being. You are not static. You flow, change, and grow, you experience so many things in the same day! You do have control over your thoughts though, but that is another whole topic that I reserve for later.
What do I mean by this? To give you a simple example: with my flatmates, we have a “flat” band (we play in tune though! ). Sometimes we practice after eating dinner, and sometimes we practice before dinner. The days in which we practice before dinner my voice is much easier to “control” and manage. But when we practice after dinner, it is much harder. I have to consciously pay attention to my technique much more rather than let the voice flow.
The difference is that of course after dinner my diaphragm has less space to move, so my breathing is restricted, therefore my air support is also restricted, and with that my voice production.
This is only one example but there are innumerable ways. If you are angry, sad, happy, whatever you feel, your voice will sound different.
Now you DO have control over this as well. Like in the example that I mentioned before, yes it is harder for me to sing right after taking dinner, but I am in control of many things that will help my voice too:
Taking a moment to prepare your voice for singing, as well as your whole being, will save you lots of time and frustration. You have to understand that the voice is a reflection of yourself. If you want to “control” your voice, you have to get to know your instrument (you) and understand it. Without judgment.
I have a little ritual that I do before I sing in any situation, from my home solo practice to my performances. I call it the “check-in”, inspired by my coaching teacher back in Argentina.
I have prepared a workbook with this information that you can download for free. Share it with anybody that might benefit from it!
You can download the workbook here (scroll to the end of the page):
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