I Help people sing and speak expressively and powerfully no matter the level of experience :)
Grab today my 3 SINGING SECRETS to expand your vocal range for FREE!
Reiki and singing have things in common.
When I was 22 years old, I was on an intensive search for a technique that would help me understand my energy. That lead me to the amazing world of Reiki, which is still a big love in my life.
At that time all I wanted was to be a little bit more in control of my feelings, but what I found was much more immense than that.
Coming from a culture so passionate, vigorous, and intense, it was a whole new world to find a little bit of a culture that is so much about calmness, stillness, discipline, care, and intention.
Reiki is a Japanese energy healing technique, very gentle and effective, in which I have become a practitioner and teacher.
Reiki changed my life in many ways, but today I want to share with you two of these ways that specifically changed my singing and modified a little my point of view about the voice in general.
Apparently, Reiki has its roots in “kotodama”, a Japanese expression that can be translated as “the power of words” or “the soul of words”. In Reiki, different symbols are pronounced with their names to direct the energy in different and specific ways.
Some people consider these names “magic”, although in the culture of Reiki some expressions are common Japanese words.
Our mindset sometimes makes us believe in a magical origin of sounds when in reality we are the ones that give them the power with our intention.
Although Reiki uses specific symbols and mantras, the practice of this discipline has made me understand that the words we say indeed have much more power than we think. They can transform our lives and the lives of others around us.
There is a very famous practical example of this, found in research by Masaru Emoto. In his research, he photographed water crystals that were exposed to different words, and you can see how much they change with each of them. When the crystals were exposed to loving words they had a harmonious shape, but when they were exposed to words of hate they became distorted.
If we consider that we are mostly made of water, it makes sense to think that we are indeed modified by words. And not just words themselves, but rather the energy that they carry.
The human voice is as powerful as that. That explains why we feel so discouraged when people say discouraging things to us like “you are tone-deaf”, “you can’t sing”, etc, let alone if we actually believe them!
Choose your words wisely when you talk about your voice, and know that you have the power to ignore the words directed to you that can harm you. If you tell yourself that you are a terrible singer, that you can’t sing, that you are tone-deaf, or you let people say that to you and believe them, your body and your energy will react to it in a negative way.
It is better to be around encouraging people! And to be gentle and compassionate with yourself as well.
Understanding the power of words can improve our singing dramatically! Every word you say is charged with a specific intention, and if you know this, you can make your singing much easier.
When you sing a song, charge every word with an intention. If you know what your intention is behind a word or a phrase, it will be easy to direct the energy in that direction. Just as when you speak, if you are angry it is easy for people to understand it just by the tone of your voice. And you don’t have to think hard about how to project the voice to be understood, it is enough by just speaking and letting it flow!
When you sing it can be just as easy. Tune in with the intention that you want to give to your song, and the sound will just flow. And for the listener, it will be much easier to connect with what you are saying because the intention behind it will be very clear.
Great singers know this, consciously or not.
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