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Do you want to learn how to prepare for a live singing performance?
Last week we had a fun music jam with my adult students.
At the Singing studio in Auckland we have at least two group events per year in which students can share their music in a safe and supportive environment.
Events of this type are always fun and friendly, however performing in public even if it is a small group can be a bit stressful.
If you have been following me for a while, you know that emotions shape your posture and your breathing, which in turn shapes your voice!
So here there are some tips that will help you learn how to prepare for a live singing performance so you can enjoy your voice and have fun instead of being absorbed by your nerves!
Make sure you prepare as many things as possible in advance. Make a list of the things you need to get ready for the performance and try to get as many of them done before the performance day.
Things like:
On the day of the performance try to take it easy! Try to not have to deal with stressful stuff. If you have to do things like doctor appointments, haircut appointments, or anything like that, try to get it done earlier in the week so you can be as relaxed as possible on your performance day.
Getting enough sleep is crucial for a healthy voice. It is not only important to keep your vocal health, but also to avoid tensions and stress that will affect your voice, your performance, and more importantly: your enjoyment!
Make sure you drink plenty of water on the day of your performance. Not only right before you sing, but during the whole day. It is easy to get dehydrated and it takes 20 minutes for the water to have an effect on the hydration of your vocal system.
No matter how tempted you are to take alcohol to calm your nerves, know that alcohol is awful for your voice and it is not worth it.
Avoid caffeine on the day of your performance!
There are foods that are better for the voice than others. Fruits with a high percentage of water are great, but try to avoid citric fruits.
Try to avoid very heavy foods as well, and give yourself a good space of time between a meal and your performance. It is harder to sing when your body is busy doing your digestion!
But equally don’t make yourself hungry. A healthy and light meal is best.
I also find dairy products to affect my voice negatively. Some people don’t feel affected by it.
Find what works for you!
Whenever you have a signing performance, make sure you make time to “tune in” your instrument.
Do what you need to get your body ready to sing. For me, it is doing some light exercise and stretches, and taking time to relax and breathe. Then of course make sure you warm up your voice properly.
If you want my checklist to tune in with your instrument (you!) to sing, you can download my guide HERE (scroll down to the bottom of the page)
So that’s it! Next time you have to perform remember those tips and you will see how much more enjoyable the experience becomes!
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