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Why Do Singers Lift Up The Chin To Sing?

August 18, 20244 min read

Why Do Singers Lift Up The Chin To Sing?

Have you ever noticed that many singers (maybe even yourself!) lift up their chins to sing high notes? There are reasons why singers do so but it might not be the best idea. Keep on reading or watch the video to find out!

Why Do Singers Lift Their Chin To Sing High Notes? Video transcript (adapted to suit blog post format)

I’m not sure if you notice, maybe in other people trying to sing or in yourself when you try to sing notes that are perceived as higher, that some people tend to attempt that  by bringing the chin up. That seems like the natural thing to do.  Well, spoilers ahead, it doesn’t work.

Not too much either way. So  why do we lift the chin to sing?    There are two main reasons why we do naturally when we are not trained as singers. And the first one is that we somehow perceive that higher notes are ‘higher’. We think that they are somehow up, but they are not.

Everything happens in the same place.  What happens is that the frequencies vibrate faster in ‘higher’ notes, because there are more oscillations per second in higher notes.

So they are FASTER. More energetic, but not higher.

Have you ever noticed that many singers (maybe even yourself!) lift up their chins to sing high notes? There are reasons why singers do so but it might not be the best idea. Keep on reading or watch the video to find out!

Why Do Singers Lift Their Chin To Sing High Notes? Video transcript (adapted to suit blog post format)

I’m not sure if you notice, maybe in other people trying to sing or in yourself when you try to sing notes that are perceived as higher, that some people tend to attempt that  by bringing the chin up. That seems like the natural thing to do.  Well, spoilers ahead, it doesn’t work.

Not too much either way. So  why do we lift the chin to sing?    There are two main reasons why we do naturally when we are not trained as singers. And the first one is that we somehow perceive that higher notes are ‘higher’. We think that they are somehow up, but they are not.

Everything happens in the same place.  What happens is that the frequencies vibrate faster in ‘higher’ notes, because there are more oscillations per second in higher notes.

So they are FASTER. More energetic, but not higher.

The other reason why we do these kinds of things is that for higher notes, we need a smaller space (the vocal cords increase their ‘tension’). So   when we are not trained singers, we don’t have a sophisticated way to do it. And therefore we tend to do that by constricting the space. This is what you’re doing when you bring it. For singing with a good technique and in an efficient way, you need ‘less space’ in the voice production area (vocal cords are ‘stretched’), but you also, if you want to sound with power, you need an open vocal tract.

As I mentioned in other videos, if you have been looking at my videos, I talk a lot about the difference between singing from the external muscles of the larynx and singing from the internal muscles of the larynx. When you are singing without technique or with technique methods that have to do more with instant results, then you are probably going to be approaching singing in a way that it might sound like it works, but long term it can bring voice damage and you also can limit your potential a lot.

So what you have to train when you’re learning to sing is the ability to control the pitch of different notes from the internal muscles of the larynx.  

That way, you can have a healthy, powerful voice going up.

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Jorgelina Perez

Jorgelina is a professionally certified vocal coach, artistic coach and singer/songwriter. ATM teacher trainee certified - Feldenkrais® Method. Functional vocal training online and in person (Auckland, NZ)

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Some feedback from past students!

Frankie Lam

Highly recommended; Jorgelina, the primary singing instructor knows her stuff and really helped guide me through finding my mixed voice.

She has huge amounts of knowledge on the science and theory behind singing and approaches lessons in a very structured but still personalised manner. Very happy with my decision to take lessons here.

Jess Reeve - Taylor

I really struggled with the high notes before coming to Jorgelina! She's coached me through so many techniques and although there is so much to learn I feel like I've seen lots of progress already. My confidence has grown massively since joining the group classes too and she encourages performing at every opportunity. I love that Jorgelina takes a holistic approach to singing and understands that it's not just about sounding great, the voice also has strong connections to the body and mind. Thanks Jorgelina!

Rupert Wilson

Bruh. Jorgelina is an awesome singing teacher! Super knowledgable, very engaged and 100% passionate. She's helped me a lot. Her methods and techniques feel organic and natural. She moves at your pace and is super supportive about you achieving your singing goals. Would recommend her to anyone with a vagus nerve (thats everyone btw!).

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