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Top 3 Physical Exercises That Improve Your Voice

October 27, 20243 min read

Top 3 Physical Exercises That Improve Your Voice

Top 3 Physical Exercises That Improve Your Voice

If you want to be a complete singer, it’s super important that you have a physical exercise routine.  That is not only good for general health, but it’s crucial to improve your voice. If you don’t, at some stage, you are going to hit a ceiling.

Today I’m going to tell you about the  three types of physical exercise that can improve your singing just by doing them!

How Swimming improves your voice

Top 3 Physical Exercises That Improve Your Voice

If you want to be a complete singer, it’s super important that you have a physical exercise routine.  That is not only good for general health, but it’s crucial to improve your voice. If you don’t, at some stage, you are going to hit a ceiling.

Today I’m going to tell you about the  three types of physical exercise that can improve your singing just by doing them!

How Swimming improves your voice

Swimming is great for singing for many reasons. The first one is that it helps you  use your voice from a low-pressure function.    Maybe you don’t know what I mean by this, and in that case, I urge you to go and check out my video about the difference between the low-pressure larynx function and the high-pressure larynx function which has to do with the way the larynx works. And that affects everything you do, but especially your singing.

 You can check that video in which I explain a lot more in detail, but for now, just know that  when we are not trained singers, we tend to sing from a high-pressure larynx mode in which everything is tightened.

You can harm your voice like that and that is how most people learn to sing. So for singing, we need to learn to activate the low-pressure system.  Now this is not that easy to activate because   it keeps your throat in a more vulnerable state and your nervous system wants you to be safe.

So that’s why most of the time we go to high-pressure mode instead. But for singing, we need to develop that.  Swimming is one of the activities that bring your system to a low-pressure mode of functioning.  

It allows you to have much better breath support, which helps many aspects of singing, such as reaching high notes with no effort.

Benefits of power walking for singing

Another great exercise for singing is walking and jogging.  If you don’t do any exercise at all don’t start right away with a power walk. Instead, build your way up to it. You want to do  about 30 minutes a day of power walk. That is going to increase your tolerance to CO2, which allows you to have what we call an ‘open throat ’. 

And it makes you more resilient to stress when you are singing, which is very important. If you are a performer, it’s crucial to develop tolerance to CO2.  

benefits of dancing for singers

Another exercise form that I love for singers is  dancing! Dancing  has a lot of benefits for singing. It is also an activity that brings your vocal system to a low-pressure mode of functioning, particularly if you are doing  some partner dance such as salsa. it brings your body to a low-pressure mode because you have to do a lot of differentiated movements and it gives you  flexibility of the spine.

Those are things we want for singing! 

Dancing is an activity that connects you with others, which means you are going to have    a positive effect on your vagus nerve which is connected to the  diaphragm and the larynx, improving your voice flow.

But dancing gives you something else. It allows you to train your  spatial awareness skills, which is crucial when singing on stage.  

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Jorgelina Perez

Jorgelina is a professionally certified vocal coach, artistic coach and singer/songwriter. ATM teacher trainee certified - Feldenkrais® Method. Functional vocal training online and in person (Auckland, NZ)

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Some feedback from past students!

Frankie Lam

Highly recommended; Jorgelina, the primary singing instructor knows her stuff and really helped guide me through finding my mixed voice.

She has huge amounts of knowledge on the science and theory behind singing and approaches lessons in a very structured but still personalised manner. Very happy with my decision to take lessons here.

Jess Reeve - Taylor

I really struggled with the high notes before coming to Jorgelina! She's coached me through so many techniques and although there is so much to learn I feel like I've seen lots of progress already. My confidence has grown massively since joining the group classes too and she encourages performing at every opportunity. I love that Jorgelina takes a holistic approach to singing and understands that it's not just about sounding great, the voice also has strong connections to the body and mind. Thanks Jorgelina!

Rupert Wilson

Bruh. Jorgelina is an awesome singing teacher! Super knowledgable, very engaged and 100% passionate. She's helped me a lot. Her methods and techniques feel organic and natural. She moves at your pace and is super supportive about you achieving your singing goals. Would recommend her to anyone with a vagus nerve (thats everyone btw!).

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