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Singing is a great way to heal and open the throat chakra. The healing benefits of singing go well beyond having a pretty voice.
The throat sits physically between our mind and our body. If it is open and available, we experience the sensation of connecting our mind and body more easily.
Many of us have the throat chakra blocked and this can be for many reasons. We are told to shut up lots of times in our lives. We grow up learning to not speak up when we really should. Many people experience the physical sensation of having the words stuck in their throats.
And sometimes, it can be blocked simply by the body posture we develop through our life! remember that our body and our mind are connected.
Having a blocked throat chakra leads to all sorts of problems in our daily lives. We find our communication with others greatly affected, as well as our expression and creativity. And of course, it has physical impacts as well: sore throat, jaw disorders, thyroid problems, neck pain, etc.
Singing is one of the tools you can use to start opening this energy center and start feeling the benefits right away.
Sometimes the throat chakra can be so blocked that singing feels painful. If that is the case, you can start small. Try singing any sound that you feel comfortable with, such as an AH, while you think about something that you want to communicate. The vibration of the sound you make will gently massage and loosen the tension in your throat you have around what you want to communicate. Little by little this will help you to unblock this center to allow your energy and communication to flow freely. You will get a bigger benefit from this exercise if you focus on feeling comfortable and safe while doing it – make sure you practice this exercise in a place where you feel comfortable and safe. Make sure that you are not in a rush and that you are not worried about other people hearing you!
Another thing you can do is find a song that expresses an emotion that you are currently dealing with. By singing the song with that intention you will start noticing how you start feeling a little lighter as you allow yourself to just feel whatever emotion you encounter while you connect with the song. Let the emotion be released through your voice and just observe the sensations in your body and in your thoughts. Allow the emotions to move you and let them go.
You can practice this exercise by yourself when you are alone. It will help you feel safe and empowered, and more ready to communicate in a healthy way with your environment.
Our bodies react differently to every emotion we experience, and when we don’t let them go, they can get trapped in your body. Your voice is an amazing tool to let these emotions out of your body. In this way, you can learn from them and use them as tools for growth instead of them harming you through them becoming stuck inside you.
Looking for holistic singing lessons online and singing programs online? Check out our Online singing Academy HERE
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